Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Owl

The Owl is very grumping. He is not willing to help. "Why should a crow be friends with a mouse."

Friday, October 22, 2010

The old shrew woman

The old shrew woman cares and listens." Im sorry to hear that"[pg.31]

Billy Fitzgibbon

Billy Fitzgibbon is the youngest brother of Paul which makes him the son of Farmer Fitzbiggon..."age 12 was noisier and had an annoying habit of skimming rocks across the grass at anything that moved."

Paul Fitzgibbon

Paul Fitzgibbon is farmer Fitzgibbon's son. Paul is"... 15, a quiet hardworking boy rather clumsy in his moments but strong." [pg.34]

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Farmer Fitzgibbon

Farmer Fitzgibbon has two sons. "...lives in the vegetable garden of a farmer named Mr. Fitzgibbon."


Jeremy appreciates when creatures help him "...only 1 year old..."

Mr. Ages

Mr. Ages is known as a doctor. He "...could sometimes save the sick from dying." Alot of mice know Mr. Ages. "Mr. Ages is a white mouse that lives across the farm and beyond."